COVID has brought a lot of uncertainty into the workplace and SARDA Ag Research has not been immune. When the pandemic was declared and the new mandates were brought into play, staff were unsure if they would have a job during the summer of 2020. Even when Agriculture was declared an essential service, it was still unclear if research was included. Over time, staff was assured that research was included under the essential service umbrella. However, being assured that research in agriculture was included in the essential services list did not mean that operations did not have to change and adapt. Staff worked from home as much as possible, necessary meetings were held online, limiting staffs’ chances of contracting COVID. When staff needed to go to the office or the shop, they were still required to observe social distancing and expected to observe sanitation protocols. Office access was restricted to staff only. With the imposed restrictions, the number of projects and the types of projects were reviewed and assessed. Staff evaluated the workload of each project as well as the ability of staff to observe social distancing and follow protocol duties. As a result, all trials are now local, our trial site near DeBolt let go for now. In order to maintain SARDA Ag Research’s renowned quality research, other projects needed to be cancelled or rejected due to the pandemic. The hiring of summer staff was also limited due to the restrictions.
While dealing with the changes brought on by the pandemic, SARDA Ag Research was dealing with another huge change: the reduction in staff working for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. These staff were important sources of information and regular contributors to the SARDA Ag Research extension program through articles and presentations.The SARDA Ag Research extension program is currently identifying new revered unbiased sources. Another positive outcome has been the addition of Calvin Yoder, P.Ag., to staff, SARDA will fill the niche for producers needing reliable information on forage seed production.
Behind the scenes, the extension program was already slated for a major overhaul, but the changes in the industry and the changes brought about by COVID have expedited this. Summer field tour events and crop walk events have been cancelled. We are working on the creation of videos and short clips to extend information in place of these events. The trial sites will still be open and if you would like a private tour of the plots, contact us to make arrangements. SARDA Ag Research staffto make arrangements. SARDA Ag Research staffare also looking at revamping the website andnewsletter. Communication options have greatlyincreased over the last ten years and while SARDAhas attempted to keep abreast of these changes,and maintain the programs required to do thesethings, we have determined that it may be moreefficient to hire experts who are experienced withthe programs and the formatting required. As weidentify the people with the expertise we desire,we are working on a communications plan andbranding document which will guide our newendeavors. These changes in the extension programwill also free up some time for Shelleen Gerbig,P.Ag., to spend more time on agronomy andresponding to producers’ questions.
Don’t expect to see huge changes in the extension program in the near future, but behind the scenes SARDA Ag Research staff will be looking at designs and formats, planning how to best show content and determining how to best achieve our goals. After staff have vetted the changes, these will have to go to the Board for approval. However, you will notice more online content over the summer. As changes are made, SARDA Ag Research staff would like to have your feedback, good or bad, by contacting us through the website, talking to staff, or phoning the office.
COVID-19 has definitely brought some changes into how SARDA Ag Research staff conduct business. I suspect that staff will avail themselves of the option to work from home more often, especially if the weather is inclement. I expect that more meetings will be held online reducing the amount of work related travel. When face to face meetings are required, we will no longer shake hands, instead I expect that we will bump elbows and nod heads instead.
Some things will not change. SARDA Ag Research will maintain its reputation for doing quality research that will explore new products, varieties and procedures supporting agriculture in the Peace Region. SARDA Ag Research will endeavor to extend timely and relevant information and be a locally available source of information on programs, agronomy and grants available to producers and the agricultural industry.
By Shelleen Gerbig, P. Ag., Extension Coordinator