Calvin Yoder

Forage Seed Specialist

Phone: 780-864-7663
Mobile: 780-864-7663
Email: calvinyoder123[at]


As of April 1st, Calvin Yoder began working for SARDA and the Peace Region Forage Seed Commission. Calvin has worked closely with both organizations for a number of years and has always had a good relationship them. He will continue with similar duties as he had with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry in terms of carrying out forage seed research and extension activities. Research funding through the Peace Region Forage Seed Association and AAFC Agri-Science Innovation Program has been secured for the next three years to conduct a number of forage seed projects through SARDA and AAFC Research Farm at Beaverlodge.

Some of the projects include:

  • Testing of new herbicides on grass and clover seed crops for the purpose of improved weed control and minor use registrations.
  • Evaluating the effects of growth regulators such as Manipulator and trinexapac-ethyl (Moddus) on grass seed crops.
  • Field-scale trials to demonstrate the use of the plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl (Moddus) on red and alsike clover seed crops.
  • Effects of integrated management practice such as additional spring UAN, growth regulators, and fungicides on grass seed crops.
  • Disease and insect surveys in forage grass and legume seed crops.
  • Screening trials to evaluate grassy weed herbicides in grass seed crops.

Although the main focus will be on co-ordinating forage seed research projects in the Peace Region, Calvin will continue to be active in forage seed extension activities. Similar to the past he will be available to growers, agronomists, and seed trade companies for one on one consultations through phone calls, emails, and farm calls.