FREE event
Join Alberta Grains, Sask Wheat, SaskBarley, and APAS (Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan) to discuss the differences between statutory and commercial declarations signed by producers.
The passing of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Implementation Act (CUSMA replacing NAFTA) in March 2020 resulted in a new mandatory annual producer variety declaration for all grains pursuant to the Canada Grain Act, effective for western Canadian grain producers August 1, 2020. While farmers were previously presented with commercial declarations from grain handling companies, this change resulted in the first statutory requirement for a declaration to be presented to farmers. The Canada Grain Commission authorized the use of a combined declaration by grain buyers, where both the statutory and commercial declarations are agreed to with one signature from the farmer – the format currently being used by most grain companies today. Farmers have expressed concerns about liabilities under this model.
This webinar will feature the legal insights from D’Arcy & Deacon LLP, who have analyzed concerns related to the joint declarations, as well as provide considerations and recommendations to farmers, and allow for questions from all participants.