There is still time to check out the SARDA variety trials. After a season of less than ideal weather conditions, now is a great time to view the 20 varieties of wheat, 8 varieties of peas and 5 varieties of oats. As the crops near maturity, it is very evident which varieties are taller, mature earlier, and which varieties tend to lodge.
The purpose of the SARVT trials are to compare currently grown varieties that cover most of the AFSC insured acres in Risk area 19 (SARDA’s mandate area) to the new top performing varieties in the provincial RVT’s and others likely to perform well in the area. 2019 was the third year we have run these trials.
All plots were fertilized based on soil test result recommendations and grown following ideal agronomic practices. By following these practices, any differences in the crops should be due to genetic differences. The following are photos taken August 26, at the Smoky River sites.

We have three locations this year with plots located south of Donnelly, north of High Prairie and north of Teepee Creek. Refer to the maps attached. All plots are still open and will remain open until the crops are being prepared for harvest and removed. Plastic booties are available in the mail boxes posted at the entrance to the sites. Please respect our efforts to control the introduction of soil borne pests and diseases by using the booties and walking into the sites. If you have questions or would like a SARDA staff member to give you a tour, please call the office at 780-837-2900.

By Shelleen Gerbig, Extension Coordinator and Darcy Boisvert, Research Coordinator, SARDA Ag Research